Taz-Mania is a cartoon show produced by Warner Bros. Animation from 1991–1993, broadcast in the United States on Fox from 1991-1995. The show follows the adventures of the classic Looney Tunes character, Taz (The Tasmanian Devil) in the fictional land of Tazmania (based on Tasmania).
Similar to its other sister WB cartoons of its time, such as Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures, Taz-Mania frequently broke the fourth wall, and often made jokes showing that Taz could actually speak perfectly normally when he wanted to. The intro indicates that, in this rendering of Tasmania, "the sky's always yellow, rain or shine". The title song is performed by Jess Harnell and Jim Cummings.
That popular Tasmanian Devil that we all know as Taz is sitting at home one day listening to a family
member tell a compelling story about how the land of Tazmania was once ruled by giant prehistoric seabirds. We all know that Taz is among the biggest of fans of eating almost everything in sight and upon hearing the story, he just can't wait to run, or spin, as fast as he can out the door to find one of these giant eggs to greedily satisfy his ever-growing hunger.
Back when I had just received a Sega Genesis for Christmas and still didn't have any games other than the great Sonic The Hedgehog, I remember seeing a certain commercial of Taz-Mania countless times on TV. Its graphics were unbelievable, it looked a
lot like a real cartoon, and I absolutely had to have it! I bought it the first chance I got with my own money.
All the adventures of Taz-Mania take place in Tasmania, the island country that's right off the south eastern coast of Australia. There are several different kinds of terrain and climates that Taz must venture through en route to finding and seizing his luxurious snack. Not-so-deserted deserts with quicksand that will eat anything stuck inside, frozen landscapes packed with slippery ground and water that can freeze a Tasmanian Devil to death in seconds, and hyperactive jungles with steep, deadly cliffs are only a few of the places that Taz must get past in this action-packed 2-D platformer.
The gameplay is just like that of the typical platformer, for the most part. While making your way through the various landscapes, you'll be doing a lot of jumping from platform to platform, collecting items for energy and extra lives, and so on. Of course, you can get rid of certain adversaries by jumping on top of their heads, but Taz's main nemesis-defeating tactic will be to use his whirling attack in which he literally spins so fast that he looks like a real-life tornado. There are, however, a few fun parts to experience in Taz-Mania. You'll have to ride an underground mine cart and use a switch to make the cart 'stand up', so to speak, to avoid crashing into stationary parts of the tracks that are in the way. In the ice level, you can stand on floating pieces of ice and they will instantly sink from your overbearing weight. Most of the time, this will result in your touching the below zero temperatures of the water and literally being frozen into an ice cube if you stand on it too long, but stand on one certain chunk of floating ice and you won't fall into the water. Instead, Taz will fall through a hole and instantly be underground amongst a bunch of tasty, energizing foods, and maybe even an extra life or two. I like that.Source URL: https://rabid-smurf.blogspot.com/
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Similar to its other sister WB cartoons of its time, such as Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures, Taz-Mania frequently broke the fourth wall, and often made jokes showing that Taz could actually speak perfectly normally when he wanted to. The intro indicates that, in this rendering of Tasmania, "the sky's always yellow, rain or shine". The title song is performed by Jess Harnell and Jim Cummings.
That popular Tasmanian Devil that we all know as Taz is sitting at home one day listening to a family
member tell a compelling story about how the land of Tazmania was once ruled by giant prehistoric seabirds. We all know that Taz is among the biggest of fans of eating almost everything in sight and upon hearing the story, he just can't wait to run, or spin, as fast as he can out the door to find one of these giant eggs to greedily satisfy his ever-growing hunger.
Back when I had just received a Sega Genesis for Christmas and still didn't have any games other than the great Sonic The Hedgehog, I remember seeing a certain commercial of Taz-Mania countless times on TV. Its graphics were unbelievable, it looked a
lot like a real cartoon, and I absolutely had to have it! I bought it the first chance I got with my own money.
All the adventures of Taz-Mania take place in Tasmania, the island country that's right off the south eastern coast of Australia. There are several different kinds of terrain and climates that Taz must venture through en route to finding and seizing his luxurious snack. Not-so-deserted deserts with quicksand that will eat anything stuck inside, frozen landscapes packed with slippery ground and water that can freeze a Tasmanian Devil to death in seconds, and hyperactive jungles with steep, deadly cliffs are only a few of the places that Taz must get past in this action-packed 2-D platformer.
The gameplay is just like that of the typical platformer, for the most part. While making your way through the various landscapes, you'll be doing a lot of jumping from platform to platform, collecting items for energy and extra lives, and so on. Of course, you can get rid of certain adversaries by jumping on top of their heads, but Taz's main nemesis-defeating tactic will be to use his whirling attack in which he literally spins so fast that he looks like a real-life tornado. There are, however, a few fun parts to experience in Taz-Mania. You'll have to ride an underground mine cart and use a switch to make the cart 'stand up', so to speak, to avoid crashing into stationary parts of the tracks that are in the way. In the ice level, you can stand on floating pieces of ice and they will instantly sink from your overbearing weight. Most of the time, this will result in your touching the below zero temperatures of the water and literally being frozen into an ice cube if you stand on it too long, but stand on one certain chunk of floating ice and you won't fall into the water. Instead, Taz will fall through a hole and instantly be underground amongst a bunch of tasty, energizing foods, and maybe even an extra life or two. I like that.Source URL: https://rabid-smurf.blogspot.com/
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